Four teenagers rush into a burning house, saving the life of a 90-year-old neighbor


Last month, Dylan Wick, Seth Byrd, Nick Byrd and Wyatt Hall, all ages 14 to 17, were at Hall's home in Sapulpa, near Tulsa, when they first noticed an odor. of rubber on fire. Then they saw flames coming from the home of her elderly neighbor Catherine Ritchie.

The teenagers – all high school footballers – have lost little time. Two of them broke into the house and the other two called 911 and alerted the neighbors.

Ritchie was getting ready to go to bed when the fire started. According to a blog post written by her daughter, she would have tried to escape from her room, but the smoke was so thick that she could not get out of it.

Dylan Wick told CNN that Ritchie had gone down the hall when Nick Byrd had taken him to the floor. Together with his brother Seth, they rushed him to safety.

Ritchie's granddaughter, Jennifer Sontag, told CNN that Ritchie had been shaken by the fire but that she was still as calm and confident as ever before. At age 90, Ritchie is an active volunteer with charitable organizations such as the Salvation Army and the Boys and Girls Club and, until recently, she delivered home meals, they said.

Cindy Hartin, Wyatt Hall's mother, said her son should watch his neighbors. She was not surprised to see her friends and to have acted so quickly and courageously when they saw the flames. Lynn Wick told CNN that her son Dylan aspired to become a firefighter and that this goal is now stronger.

On her blog, Missy Ritchie Nicholas thanked the boys on behalf of her mother and all her family: "Thank you for being the kind of young man who thought of another person above you, thank you for staying safe Also, thank you to your parents who have obviously raised you so that you can make life saving and heroic decisions on behalf of someone else. "


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