Fox host Maria Bartiromo berates GOP Senator Kevin Cramer for supporting infrastructure deal


Trump-cheering Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo on Sunday berated Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) for his support for the hugely popular bipartisan infrastructure bill that is about to pass, asking him to at close range if he “betrayed the Republican base.” ”While complaining that the spending package does not include money for a border wall.

With the long toil to pass the trillion dollar bill finally approaching the finish line – and GOP negotiators saying as many as 18 Republican senators have indicated they support the package – Cramer appeared on Fox News ‘ Sunday Morning Futures to explain why he was going to vote for one of President Joe Biden’s top priorities.

Bartiromo, however, was absolutely furious that Cramer – a longtime ally of former President Donald Trump – agreed to the legislation. And she wasted no time letting him know.

After quoting criticism from conservative columnist Kimberly Strassel that the bill is nothing more than “the first step in President Biden’s Green New Deal,” the Fox host turned to Cramer and asked, “Senator, why are you in favor of this bill, are you betraying the Republican Base?”

Laughing at his pointed question, Cramer defended his support for the bill, noting that the package directs a lot of spending towards “hard” infrastructure, such as roads, bridges and railways. On top of that, the North Dakota lawmaker pointed out that it was the result of a compromise between Democrats and Republicans.

Cramer added that Strassel’s analysis of the bill was inaccurate, prompting Bartiromo to retaliate that he was “wrong” before blowing up the bill for spending money on electric vehicles and cybersecurity, saying the bill had “a lot of beginnings for the Green New Deal.” . “In addition, she complained that the infrastructure package did not address border security and immigration.

“First of all, cybersecurity is not exclusive to the Green New Deal,” Cramer retorted. “We have all encountered problems of the lack of resilience of energy infrastructure. The Colonial Pipeline cyber attack was a pretty good example of this. “

The ultra-Conservative lawmaker went on to say that there are clearly things in the bill that Democrats like and dislike. At the same time, he explained that if he was “a king” he would not support some of the provisions of the package, but “luckily our founders gave us something other than a king”.

“You are not a king, none of the Republicans are king, but it certainly looks like the Democrats are acting like kings,” Bartiromo growled.

The conversation would continue to revert to Bartiromo’s complaints that the bill did not include border funding, which ultimately led Cramer to state that Republicans were obviously not going to get Democrats to agree to build a wall.

“Why not ?! Why not work for the American people,” Bartiromo retorted incredulously.

Finally, Bartiromo referred to Trump’s recent efforts to kill the infrastructure bill with statements and threats of major challenges, which were met “mostly by yawns” from GOP lawmakers.

Reading Trump’s latest tweet-like remarks in which he said the infrastructure bill would be used against the GOP in 2022 and 2024 and that he doesn’t see himself approving a Republican who backed it, the Fox host asked Cramer to react to the disgraced ex. -the president’s threat.

“He hasn’t given any reason why this is a bad deal other than Joe Biden,” Cramer replied. “I understand his frustration and he obviously has influence and has a legitimate opinion. But the point is, the American public, including the vast majority of Republicans, is very supportive of this. “

Bartiromo, meanwhile, would essentially concede that despite Trump’s attempts to cripple the deal, popular legislation was almost certainly going to pass.

“I recognize that there is a lot of support for this on both sides, definitely a lot of support for it. I understand, she sighed.


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