Fox News host says Warren "looks like Donald Trump at his best"


Tucker Carlson

While rejecting her as a candidate, Tucker Carlson expresses admiration for Senator Elizabeth Warren's economic platform. | Richard Drew / AP Photo

Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson on Wednesday praised Senator Elizabeth Warren for her platform of "economic patriotism" during a monologue criticizing US policy as being far from the priorities of ordinary US citizens.

Citing Warren's plan to revive the economic activity of working Americans and middle classes, Carlson said many of Warren's ideas had an "obvious" meaning, including buying from US manufacturers and increasing programs. learning in the workplace.

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"She looks like Donald Trump at its best," said Carlson during his nighttime program.

But it was far from an absolute endorsement of the 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful, which he described as "an extremist hungry for races, guns, and abortionists."

Carlson used the Massachusetts senator to describe what he described as the problem of American politics as a whole – that, in his opinion, those who defend the economic interests of the working class also advocate more extreme social policies than wish many Americans. .

During the process, Carlson accused Republican members of Congress of adopting a libertarian economic stance at the expense of many American workers, yet did not enforce a social policy such as illicit drug control.

"In Washington, hardly anyone speaks for the majority of voters," Carlson said. "You are either a libertarian zealot controlled by the banks who flout about entrepreneurship … or worse, you are a decadent socialist and fiduciary".

Carlson said that he could not vote for Warren, but acknowledged that she was "clearer about economic nationalism than [Senate Majority Leader] Mitch McConnell. "

Warren's Patriotic Economic Platform strives to control corporate excesses and protect American workers when it comes to trading or outsourcing jobs overseas. Its platform also opposes the idea of ​​blaming globalization and automation for stagnation and economic inequality, while enumerating a number of policy proposals to increase the number of jobs. economic activity in the United States.

"Of course, these companies are brandishing the flag – but they have no loyalty or allegiance to America," Warren wrote in a Medium article explaining his program.


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