Fox News host separates from White House press secretary over unsubstantiated allegations of widespread election fraud


White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has officially found the line for Fox News – and crossed it.

On Monday, McEnany continued to peddle the Trump administration’s baseless claims that Democrats stole the election, alleging the party “welcomes fraud and … welcomes illegal voting.” Although Fox News let McEnany run for a while before interrupting, anchor Neil Cavuto ultimately cut her off. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, I think we need to be very clear,” he said after his break-in. “She accuses the other party of congratulating each other on the fraud and illegal voting. Unless she has more details to back it up, I can’t in good spirits keep showing you that.

Cavuto added that it is an “explosive charge” to say that the other side is “effectively faking and cheating”, and that “if she can prove that, of course we will bring you back.”

The press conference got off to a rocky start, as McEnany made it clear that she was speaking in a personal capacity, clearly in an attempt to circumvent the Hatch Act, which prohibits all political activity on federal property like the White House. Later, when asked to provide any evidence of his allegations, she told a reporter, “look, what we’re asking for here is patience.”

You can read more about how Fox News refused to bow to President Trump throughout the election here at The week.

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