Fox withdraws from McEnany press conference


Fox News interrupted a press conference on Monday in which White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany accused Democrats of “saluting” fraud and illegal voting.

“She accuses the other side of welcoming the fraud and illegal voting. Unless she has more details to back it up, I can’t in a good mood continue to show you this, ”Fox News host Neil Cavuto said on air as the network cut the conference. press release in Washington, DC

“Maybe they have something to back it up, but it’s an explosive charge to make the other side cheat and cheat effectively,” Cavuto continued.

The move represented a notable change for Fox, which often airs President TrumpDonald John Trump A Philadelphia Republican official responsible for the vote count said the office was receiving death threats that Biden would call on governors and mayors over the mask mandate The campaign’s election fraud hotline Trump inundated with prank calls MOREpress conferences and rallies constantly regardless of his false statements.

The press conference marked the latest effort by Trump allies to challenge the election results in which Joe bidenJoe Biden A Philadelphia Republican official responsible for counting the votes said the office is receiving death threats that Biden will call governors and mayors over the mask mandate The Trump Campaign Election Fraud Hotline inundated with prank calls MORE was screened by networks and other news outlets monitoring the results as the winner over Trump last week.

McEnany, who said she was speaking in a personal capacity, began by declaring that the election was “not over” and that Republicans had “only started the process of getting an accurate count. and honest voices ”.

She then accused Democrats of opposing voter identification laws, verifying signatures and other identity markers, and preventing observers from looking at the ballot count in the last election.

“You don’t take these positions because you want a fair election,” McEnany said, accusing Democrats of “welcoming fraud” and “welcoming illegal voting.”

Fox News interrupted shortly thereafter and did not resume broadcasting the press conference.

When a reporter asked McEnany later during the press conference if she knew fraudulent votes had been cast, she said campaign officials were asking “patience” to review reports raising suspicions of fraud.

“What we are asking for right now is patience as we explore these and other equal protection claims,” ​​McEnany said.

Trump and his campaign have raised fraud allegations since last week that have yet to be substantiated.

McEnany and President of the Republican National Committee Ronna mcdanielRonna Romney McDaniel Republican Clerk dismisses GOP President Trump’s ‘categorically false’ claim, allies pledge to fight in election as some recognize possible defeat The Memo: Trump strikes as the tide moves for Biden PLUS Monday cited anecdotes about voting irregularities in Nevada and Michigan and insisted officials did not have adequate access to see the votes counted in Philadelphia.

McDaniel said officials will pursue all legal avenues, but admitted that may not be enough to alter the election results.

“Will that be enough?” We do not know. Is it going to take time? Yes, she said.

Trump refused to concede the election to Biden, who was screened as the winner in Pennsylvania, Nevada and Wisconsin, and who holds the lead in Arizona and Georgia. Fox News and The Associated Press cast him as the winner in Arizona last week.

Some prominent Republicans have backed Trump’s efforts to bring legal action, and only a few have publicly recognized Biden as president-elect. Still, some Republicans have criticized the president’s rhetoric and doubted his claims of widespread election fraud.


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