France says it will block Facebook balance in Europe: report


The French Finance Minister said the nation was planning to block Facebook's cryptocurrency Libra in the EU, fearing that it would threaten "monetary sovereignty".

Bruno Le Maire, French Minister of the Economy and Finance, said this Thursday in the newspaper The Independent:

"I want to be absolutely clear: under these conditions, we can not allow the development of Libra on European soil."

The Mayor was speaking at the opening of an OECD conference on blockchain and cryptocurrencies in Paris, France.

The minister has already expressed his concern over the threat of Libra to national currencies. After the beginnings of cryptocurrency in June, it was "out of the question" for Libra to be allowed to "become a sovereign currency." It can not and must not happen.

CoinDesk solicited comments from the Libra Association and will update this landmark story if more information is received.

Image of Bruno Le Maire via Shutterstock


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