13 year old boy falls dead on a hike in La Clusaz


A mountain rescue helicopter. Drawing. – E. Beracbadat / Sipa

The family ride turned into a nightmare Monday in La Clusaz (Haute-Savoie). A thirteen-year-old boy lost his life after falling off a rocky ledge on a hike with his family and another family of vacationers.

On the descent of this simple route, teen joined the lead group. But when they arrived at the parking lot where the hikers had met, his parents were worried that he would not see him coming back and alerted the helpers.

Found in cardio-respiratory arrest

dogs were mobilized to find the young hiker, discovered in cardio-respiratory arrest, down a small rocky bar, not far from the car park, reports this Tuesday France 3 Auvergne Rhône-Alpes. He could not be revived. An investigation was initiated to understand under what circumstances
 the teenager has dropped.








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