13-year-old girl indicted for throwing acid on policeman on Halloween night


The girl was indicted for "willful violence on a person holding public authority with a weapon". Given her young age, she can not be the subject of a criminal conviction.

A 13-year-old girl, suspected of throwing acid on a policeman on Halloween night in Montgeron, Essonne, wounded slightly in the hand, was indicted Friday, was learned Saturday at the Evry public prosecutor's office.

Charged for "intentional violence against any person holding public authority with weapons ". The girl was indicted by the judge of the children for "voluntary violence on person depositary of the public authority with weapon", said this same source, confirming information of the Parisian. "She has been released on probation for a preliminary ruling and will have to be educated with educators", explained the prosecution. Specifically, given the young age of the teenager, she will have to appear before a juvenile judge but can not be the subject of a criminal conviction. However, educational sanctions may be imposed against him, explains the source.

A Halloween night enamelled with incidents in Essonne. Two other teenage girls who had been arrested were also released with a simple reminder of the law. The facts go back to the night of Wednesday to Thursday in Montgeron. Three young men with masked faces try to break into a grocery store. A police patrol present in the area intervenes and a policeman is slightly wounded in the hand. "He was slightly burned by acid, but that did not prevent him from continuing his service," according to a police source.

The night of Halloween was peppered with incidents in this department of Paris suburbs. In total, in France, more than a hundred people were arrested on the sidelines of the party, a figure however lower than in previous years.

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