14-year-old boy missing after swimming at sea


Three teenagers went swimming in Dunkirk on Monday late afternoon. In trouble because of the current, one of the young people has disappeared.

A 14-year-old boy went missing Monday, July 2, after swimming at sea with two friends in Dunkerque (North), reports France Bleu Nord. The intense research to find him was interrupted around 21 hours. They must resume in the course of the night, at low tide.

Around 17 hours, the three young people went to bathe near the east pier of Dunkirk. They soon found themselves in trouble because of the current and the tide. The first was able to get out of the water without help. The second, he had to be hoisted by firefighters. Injured in the legs, he was hospitalized at Dunkirk University Hospital

On the other hand, the 14-year-old boy could not be found. He was caught in a baïne, because of the tide, in a place where few people come to bathe. Despite the very fast intervention of the firefighters, he could not be rescued.

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