149,690 students are still waiting


With the introduction of the new Parcoursup admission procedure (former PDB), the aim was to enable everyone to have a place in higher education training. A bet far from being won since, according to figures published online Wednesday by the Ministry of National Education, 149,690 students are still waiting for a place, even without response from the institutions in which they have applied .

Despite the announcement, by Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, of the creation of a total of 31,000 places universities are struggling to to reach training quotas. At issue, the indecision of some students and the putting on hold of others.

Candidates still waiting

Of the 149,690 candidates, 111,954 of them are currently still waiting for a positive response, 20,562 received only negative answers and 5,183 asked to be accompanied by the rector of their academy in the hope of unblocking their situation. But the expectation is also on the side of universities who fail to reach their quotas . In contrast to last year, the numbers of highly requested sectors such as Staps (sport), Paces (medicine), law … are slow to fill.

If the universities can not explain this change of trend (these channels were stormed last year), the new algorithm of the post-bac admission platform could be involved : it would encourage students to "skew" their wish list to be more likely to be accepted.

Thus, a student who would like to enter an easily accessible formation would tend to place his second choice first to be sure of having it, in case he would be refused in his preferred training. The hierarchy of wishes would therefore be based more on strategic choices than on the real motivations of high school students. Outside, the clbadification of the training is one of the criteria adopted by institutions to choose one student over another.

Candidates accepted but still undecided

Of the candidates who received at least one response, only 385,782 definitely accepted a proposal. But 223,311 of them have not yet validated it. If these students seem cautious, it is simply because the accepted proposal is not the one at the top of their list: these students will validate it at the last moment, waiting for the answer of the formation they prefer. [19659002] A technique that is well illustrated in the Paris region. Some students accepted in the peripheral universities wait until the last moment before validating the proposals to see if they progress in the waiting list of the most requested universities, such as Paris 1 and Paris 2.

What slow down the procedure a little more for those who are still waiting for an answer. If this waiting allows some to rebadure themselves and to leave a maximum of chances in the desired establishment, it is more painful for the others who do not understand why they are still on the waiting list.

How to speed up procedures?

The new platform has yet to prove its effectiveness. The opening of the complementary phase, on June 26, could still help to clean up the workforce. The results of the baccalaureate this Friday, will allow non-graduate students to vacate places. The response time, reduced to 3 days instead of 7, will also speed up the admission procedure.

Another measure that could make things happen: the creation of 31,000 additional places . This is one of the promises of Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education. 21,000 additional places have already been registered for universities and BTS, and another 10,000 have been promised by the Minister for the sectors "in tension" (especially in the IUT). The goal: to unblock the process to allow everyone to get a place from the next school year.

To date, 65,258 students have already unsubscribed from the digital platform (integration of a training outside Parcoursup, obtaining a contest, work au pair …), whether they have received a positive proposal or not.

Nevertheless, it will be necessary to wait until the end of the procedure, on September 21, to be able to badyze the results and draw viable conclusions

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