15 days in prison for Pussy Riot after their intrusion into the World Cup final


After entering the field in the World Cup final, the four members of the feminist protest group Pussy Riot were sentenced to 15 days in jail on Monday, July 16th. Veronika Nikulchina, Olga Pakhtushova, Pyotr Verzilov and Olga Kuracheva have also been banned from sporting events for three years, a Moscow court has decided, according to the site MediaZona. They were convicted of "grossly violating the rules of spectator behavior" and were sentenced to the maximum penalty.

Release of Political Prisoners

The four persons entered the lawn for a short time Sunday Moscow, before being intercepted by the stewards, in the 53rd minute of the final France-Croatia World Cup 2018. A few minutes later, the Russian group Pussy Riot had affirmed, on its pages Twitter and Facebook, that its members were at the origin of the intrusion, also broadcasting a list of six requests. "Release all political prisoners" was their first request. The others spoke of the end of the arrests during peaceful demonstrations and "the authorization of political competition in the country."

The most famous action of the Pussy Riot dates back to February 2012, when several members had sung a punk prayer against Vladimir Putin in Moscow Cathedral. Three of the five members of the group were sentenced in August 2012 to two years of camp including "hooliganism motivated by religious hatred". Ekaterina Samutsevich was finally released in October 2012, while Nadejda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alekhina had served 22 months of their sentence.

Read also: The Pussy Riot, grains of sand in the Putin World Cup

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