2018 World Cup Final: The goals of Mandzukic, Griezmann and Perisic


The World Cup is coming to an end. After 45 minutes of play in this final between France and Croatia, the Blues race in the lead despite some control in the middle of the field on the Croatian side.

The first goal came on a set kick, one of the French specialties since the start of the competition. After Uruguay and Belgium, Croatia did not resist. After a foul on Antoine Griezmann, the Atlético de Madrid striker was responsible for bringing the danger. Perfectly placed at the penalty spot, the ball was diverted from the head by Mario Mandzukic, directly in the left corner of Danijel Subasic (1-0, 18th).

After fifteen difficult minutes for the Blues, they have benefited of their first dangerous situation to open the scoring and take the lead in this final.

# CM2018 #FRACRO 18th, 1-0

¿GOAL FOR FRANCE ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿

The Blues open the mark !! On a Griezmann free-kick, the tallest head is … Mandzukic, who deviates in his own goal, 1-0 for France!

View ¿https://t.co/teTUZj9lJ6

– Telefoot (@ telefoot_TF1) July 15, 2018

A short-lived advantage for the men of Didier Deschamps. Ten minutes later, Ivan Perisic put his team in the direction of the march of a splendid shot at the entrance to the surface (1-1, 28th).

On free kick, Modric taps into the box. The Croats win 3 tier air duels, Perisic recovers and shoots Lloris at the entrance to the surface, 1-1!

Look at https://t.co/GSL7txEKUc

– Telefoot (@ telefoot_TF1) July 15, 2018

But the Blues have resources. And minutes before half-time, they received a penalty thanks to the use of video refereeing. Croatian striker Ivan Perisic, guilty of a hand in the box, was penalized. Antoine Griezmann did not pray to give the advantage to the Blues (2-1, 38th).

Despite a single shot framed in this first period, the Blues have returned to the locker room with a valuable advantage. [19659015] # CM2018 #FRACRO

The VAR decided it: the hand of Perisic in its surface deserved that the referee grants to the Blues a penalty, transformed by Griezmann!
View ¿https://t.co/LFKGzpdwTF

– Telefoot (@ telefoot_TF1) July 15, 2018

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