2018 World Cup: how the Blues tackle the Belgian threat – Russia 2018 – World Cup


The French defenders are rightly suspicious of the talented strikers of Belgium that they will meet on Tuesday in the semi-finals of the World Cup

Special Envoy to Istra

When talking about Eden Hazard, Lucas Hernandez laughed Sunday morning in the amphitheater of the New Jerusalem Museum in Istra where the daily press conferences of the Blues take place. "We have already eliminated the best player in the world in the round of 16, he did not touch the ball," said the defender of the Blues, always cash face microphones. The journalists are laughing. "It's the truth," Hernandez said. Lionel Messi, since it is about him, was involved on two of the three Argentinian goals scored against France. But difficult, anyway, to blame the defender of Atlético who hopes to extinguish the Belgian star as the Blues have managed to do with Messi. "We'll have to be focused. We will do everything so that it touches the fewest balloons possible. We have the right players, "he announces. Saturday against Brazil, Eden Hazard set a new record of dribbling in a World Cup match (10), with 100% success in his attempts. Clinic

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If he knows more about his little brother Thorgan, whom he crossed in training center in Lens, Raphaël Varane knows the threat posed by the elder. "I faced Eden when he was in Lille. He has immense talent, with great qualities. He is an excellent dribbler, quick and fast. There is no miracle solution to good players. To counter it, we must leave him as little space as possible and cut the connections with the other players, "says the Madrid man who will also have another important client in the person of Romelu Lukaku," a player who poses a problem in any defense ". "He is very powerful, he weighs on the defenses and he has a big ability to score. He takes advantage of each space too, "continues Varane.

Author of four goals in the group stage, Lukaku was a pbader-by for de Bruyne on the second Belgian goal against the Seleçao Friday after a ride 40 meters all in power. Against Japan in the eighth, his very smart appeal race to board a defender, followed by an equally clever pretense in the box had allowed Chadli to score the winning goal in stoppage time (3-2) . Tuesday, it will be necessary to plant mines in the surface to stop the Tank. Add to that the phenomenal gameplay of De Bruyne (18 and 16 badists delivered in the Premier League these past two seasons) and you get a formidable trio. Not to mention the talent of the Witsel, Mertens, Dembélé or Chadli.

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" It's a very big selection, we know it. They have great individualities. It will be necessary to be attentive because they project very quickly forward, warns Hernandez. "They are able to play in small pbades combined, repetitions, with a lot of movement, with fast attacks … It's a pretty complete, solid team", abounds Varane. If they personally know several Red Devils, the two players will obviously let the acquaintances to the locker room in Saint-Petersburg. "At the World Cup, there are no friends," smiles Varane while Hernandez, who will meet his former teammate at Atlético Yannick Carrasco, promises "blows and impact on the ground. But as soon as the match is over, we'll be as before. "With the difference that one will be a World Cup finalist.

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