30 years imprisonment for rape of a girl


Roland B., 65, was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment on Friday by the Assize Court of Ille-et-Vilaine for badual badault and rape of a girl in her parents' home, themselves convicted for witness tampering.

The Crown had required between 25 and 30 years of imprisonment. The victim's uncle and aunt expressed satisfaction with the judgment, ruling that "30 years in prison" was "worthy" of his "ordeal". Anne-Marie J., the mother of the victim, was sentenced for witness subornation to two years in prison with suspended sentence, with an obligation of care, and the father, René J., to three years in prison including six months

The aggressor recognized everything "en bloc." As of 2002, Karine's parents had sheltered Roland B., although he knew his history of indecent badault on minors. The latter, who until then had always denied the facts, admitted during the trial in Rennes, which lasted a week, to badually badault and rape between 2002 and 2005 Karine, then aged five to seven years, the home of its parents. Placed with her uncle and aunt in 2010 after a dozen reports, Karine was also subjected to pressure and threats from her parents in 2009 and 2011. They asked her not to tell what Roland B. had him subjected to it.

The parents expressed their regrets. The couple denied the facts during the trial. The father and mother nevertheless expressed their regrets and apologized for not having enough protection for their daughter. "I love him even if we do not talk anymore," said the father. Anne-Marie J. had already been sentenced in the 1980s for killing more than a hundred stab wounds her first child, born of rape, at birth.

State attacked for gross negligence. Karine, now 20 years old, also attacked the state for gross negligence, after a dozen reports to justice on his situation, remained unanswered. A hearing was held on July 2 in this regard, before the tribunal de grande instance of Paris. The judgment was reserved on 17 September.

A man already convicted in 2007. During the trial, the Advocate General declined to comment on this other procedure, but acknowledged with emotion that "the justice system lacked foresight at the time of the report in 2003". He added: "We have questions to ask ourselves in terms of our professional responsibility". Roland B. was previously convicted in 2007 for raping minors, including his own daughter, a conviction for which he is currently serving an 18-year sentence.

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