33 recommendations of the investigation report create controversy


The report of the Commission of Inquiry on the Safety and Security of Nuclear Installations is long overdue and is due to be officially submitted on Thursday. However, its recommendations have already been contested by several of its members.

Evoking nuclear power in a country with 58 reactors located in 19 nuclear power plants that alone produce 72% of the national electricity without falling into the trap of a debate for or against nuclear power is not an easy exercise. This was attempted by the Commission of Inquiry on the Safety and Security of Nuclear Installations, chaired by Paul Christophe. While she must officially submit its report Thursday to the President of the National Assembly, François de Rugy, his conclusions are already controversial.

»READ ALSO – Questioned on the safety of the nuclear fleet, EDF defends itself [19659004] After five months of work, this report of two hundred pages that Le Figaro procured, list 33 recommendations to improve the sector. Their spectrum is very wide. They range from the fight against "risks of endogamy" expertises made by technicians victims of the self, to endow the Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN), independent authority in charge of controls, " powers of injunction and sanctions "additional to his powers of pecuniary sanctions and of penalty insufficiently applied according to the report. Among the strong measures, the document drafted by the rapporteur Barbara Pompili advocates "to ask operators to provide evidence that their reactors are able to withstand any climate hazard combining several factors (heat waves, drought …) and affecting several plants simultaneously ". Similarly, it is requesting the publication of a "provisional program of reactors to dismantle with estimated costs and dates" in order to allow the organization of a decommissioning sector … What to please the Minister of Ecological Transition and in solidarity with Nicolas Hulot who wishes to include in the Multiannual Energy Program (EPP) for 2023-2028 under discussion a timetable for tranche closures.

A severe inventory of the nuclear industry

This long document has decided to sweep the spectrum of nuclear safety widely. Starting from the post-Fukushima measures that have come into effect gradually, this nearly 200-page document draws a rather harsh picture of the sector between operators – EDF in the lead – "become dependent on their subcontractors", who have lost " technical control of certain operations "with a" dilution of responsibilities "and" tremendous pressure on providers ". As for crisis management, it is considered "perfectible", rapporteur Barbara Pompili noted an "inability to evacuate the large and fragile population" and a "lack of resources." Based on 48 meetings and hearings as well as on travel, his report points to the management of new threats to French power plants (resistance of swimming pools in the event of a terrorist attack or in the event of a plane crash, security road convoys whose journeys are too predictable) … Until questioning the "relevance of the sector of reprocessing" and the financial health of EDF and Orano (ex-Areva).

All these measures sparked the ire of members of all walks of life, members of the Commission, including Julien Aubert. Deputy Republicans (LR) of Vaucluse, he is the author of a written contribution signed by the five LR members of the Commission he hopes to be attached to the report. He denounces the ideological bias of his rapporteur. In his eyes, "Barbara Pompili confuses two notions: risk and danger and starts from the premise that nuclear is dangerous and that its risk is therefore maximal". This document "is more manifesto with a partial bias, a trial where consensual recommendations rather hide a report against the charge against nuclear," he attacked.

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