6 transitions that the new president of MEDEF will have to impulse to modernize the companies


The MEDEF took Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux to its head, thus opening a new era for the employers' organization. Good news for French companies! At the same time, our Minister of Economy and Finance delivered a speech in Lyon and stated that prosperity and employment will not come from public authorities but from companies.

If the task promises to be vast for the new President of the MEDEF, it will undoubtedly pbad by the acculturation of its troops to the new expectations which concern them.

The expectations towards the leaders have profoundly evolved. The digital revolution, the almost complete renewal of the political landscape, the health scandals … All these factors have led the company to reconsider its vision and its conception of the company, with, from now on, its leader. [19659004] The leaders are at a time of societal shift and the turn to take is immediate

The conclusions of the second part of the Trust Barometer 2018, whose focus is on the expectations of leaders, are unambiguous:

  • executives perform well in traditional expectations (profitability, manager, etc.), but do not meet the expectations of their new role which now requires them to put the vision at the service of the company and society. Leaders are expected to be badociated partners of society, to co-build and move forward with and in the service of, over the long term

  • Leaders are expected to be visible and to commit to: % believe leaders need to be visible and share the vision and purpose of the company; 74% think that leaders must be personally involved in discussions about the societal contribution of their company.

  • There is a strong need for authenticity: we trust the leaders who are spontaneous, it is the case of 84% of the French

The main lesson of this second part of the Trust is obvious: to gain confidence, one must evolve from manager to visionary leader and become a thought leader.

If the solution may seem simple, its application is sometimes more difficult to implement. Here are some tips to become a thought leader:

  • The fight: the opinion leader puts forward a major concept that is a cause, a plea on which he bases his actions. Example with Emmanuel Faber, CEO of Danone, whose mission is to lead the food revolution and build its strategy around this fight

  • Differentiation: the opinion leader has a unique and innovative approach, which reinforces the fight led. Example with Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever: when he decided not to communicate each quarter the financial results of the Group, but to do so according to an annual recurrence

  • Incarnation: the opinion leader expresses himself with his guts. He has an emotional component. He is natural and sincere in his approach. Example with Bryan Chesky, CEO of Airbnb, who badociated the concept of his company to his own history

  • Activism: as in political campaign, the opinion leader performs a rehearsal work to convince, hence the need to be convinced oneself. It must be marked over time so that it is noticed and printed in the spirit of its audience.

  • Platform (s): the opinion leader becomes a medium himself. He communicates through open-ended sequences

  • Team: the opinion leader surrounds himself with a team that allows him to confront his ideas and make them grow to avoid dropping out.

The opinion leader is the leader of thought: what he embodies allows him to shine beyond the walls of his company, beyond his sector of activity, in the long term. If the few statements given are essential and certainly contribute, each in their own way, to laying the groundwork, the condition sine qua none remains the necessary alignment between the leader and the company, without which nothing is possible

At the same time, you, leaders, let your heart speak as Antoine Riboud already advocated in his Marseille speech! And in case of hard times, remember that criticism is usually an indicator of relevance …

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See also:

• Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux can he really deratize the Medef?

• Mélenchon found a reason to celebrate the election of the new president Medef

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