8000 € of stolen recipe


The car containing the recipe, about 8 000 euros according to the Quimper gendarmerie company, the accounting documents and the laptop of the organizers of the Bigouden Workers' Day, local branch of the French Communist Party in Guilvinec (Finistère), was stolen Saturday, July 14 around 1 am A complaint was lodged

The car containing the recipe, "about 8 000 euros" according to the Quimper gendarmerie company (Finistère), the accounting documents and the laptop of the organizers of the Bigouden Worker's Day was stolen on Saturday, July 14 at around 1am at Guilvinec. The volunteers were then storing their belongings when the vehicle, which was used to illuminate them, disappeared.

The bigouden worker

The bigouden worker, local communication organ of the French Communist Party (PCF), organized, Friday, July 13 in the evening, his musical and gourmet party, which is also a moment of political encounter on the Place de la Petite-Sole. Two groups celebrated the great musical standards, from the Compil to Johnny to the Bad Loosers. They were very applauded while about sixty volunteers were working on the stove.

When the lights went out

At 1 am, when the municipal lighting went out, the last five volunteers storage in the room that was devolved to them, cleaned up to leave room for the feast of July 14th. For lack of lighting, Etienne Le Bellec, member of the Departmental Direction of the PCF, co-secretary and treasurer of the section Bigouden Country, lit the room with the headlights of his vehicle, a Seat Leon .

In the back of the volunteers

While he was busy with the task, his back turned like the other volunteers, his car and its contents (cash register, accounting documents, laptop, etc.) were taken away. [19659003] Filing of complaint

Étienne Le Bellec immediately alerted the gendarmerie and filed a complaint. An investigation is underway. A flight that reminds another of Mayor Jean-Luc Tanneau: "Two years ago, Thierry Mavic, former mayor of Pont-l'Abbé, was also a victim of thugs and was wounded … " Étienne Le Bellec is convinced to have been watched over the evening and invites other badociations to " take all necessary precautions so that it does not happen to them the same thing to the future. "

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