the minute by minute story of the helicopter pilot


"I think they had to learn about the way I was flying." Sunday, July 1, Stéphane Buy, confirmed pilot and instructor at the airport in Lognes, Seine-et-Marne, is victim of a hostage by two men in their fifties and twenties , who forced him to participate in the escape of Redoine Faïd, incarcerated in the prison of Réau. Three days after this spectacular operation, the pilot came to testify this Wednesday on the RTL antenna. He always says "shocked."

Sunday morning, two men arrive at the airfield for an initiation flight they had booked, tells the pilot that he had already seen them during from a previous baptism. "For me, it was a baptism like any other," remembers Stéphane Buy

"When they arrived, I was alone in the shed. We had an appointment at 9:30 am Upon their arrival, I close the iron curtain and I head for the R44 Robinson 4 places to go out and there, they tell me that they would prefer to make a flight in the Alouette 2 which was stored in the same hangar, "he recounts.

Victim of many sticks

It is after the refusal of the pilot, who argues that the machine does not have enough gas to make a flight of initiation, that "everything switches". "They attack me and condemn me to take this machine They warned me that my family was in danger," says Stéphane Buy, still very emotional. "I understand then that I am dealing with the kind who become very mean," he continues.

After refueling, Stéphane Buy takes off towards the southeast. "Then they put me in a field under the pretext of wanting to urinate, they make me get off the helicopter and take me with weapons and shots of stick and explain to me what we're going to go to find a friend in the prison of Réau ", tells the pilot to whom the two men" ask to obey and do well (his) work ". "With two Colts on the head, I had no choice," badures Stephane Buy.

Moments later, the pbadengers ask the instructor a new halt in a wasteland where Stéphane Buy, forced to lower the head, hear people loading bags into the helicopter. When he was leaving, "the machine did not start and that's when the nightmare began," he says, referring to a starter lock.

When leaving the machine to try to repair the failure that the pilot sees hooded men with "combinations of the genus GIGN", who load the equipment.

Redoine Faid "very quiet"

Struck several times, until falling unconscious for a few seconds, Stéphane Buy finally manages to restart the machine and takes the direction of the prison of Réau flying "very low"

"I do not feel in danger at all, I'm so focused on my flight," he says. "I land in a triangular courtyard, I am placed on a small path of bitumen that must be 1.50m wide and I am asked to stay 10 minutes hovering in this courtyard," he says. He badures that he still does not know who he is dealing with and does not recognize Redon Faid who has remained "very quiet".

After taking off from the prison, the commando tells Stéphane Buy "an alley near a petrol station on the edge of a fast lane". The pilot hears the pbadengers talking about gasoline and bleach, and understands that they are planning to fire the aircraft. But luckily they will let him escape before attempting to burn the helicopter's cabin and run away.

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