Pre-complaint mechanism for racist and anti-Semitic acts launched in Marseille


Interior Minister Gerard Collomb announced the launch of a pre-complaint system for racist and anti-Semitic acts during his visit to Marseille: the city will inaugurate this new tool.

The Minister Gérard Collomb announced on Thursday evening the extension to the racist and anti-Semitic acts of the pre-complaint online device open until then to the attacks on property, in a speech before the Crif in Marseille.

Announcing several reforms "to better combat anti-Semitism" the Minister announced the extension of this device "to discriminatory offenses" "because if we counted 311 anti-Semitic acts in 2017, they There are probably many more of them. ".

" One of our challenges is therefore to free the voices of the victims " explained the Minister in his speech to the Council l representative of the Jewish institutions of Marseille-Provence. "The government has decided to open this device, which will be operational as of tonight" said Mr. Collomb: "This will allow the investigation to begin and it is only then that the person will be offered an appointment with a trained agent, to validate his complaint ".

" Fight against hatred "

Still in the light of "Even more effectively prosecute antisemitic offenders" the Minister of the Interior also announced that Marseille will be "the first city to set up a network of investigators and magistrates specifically trained in the fight against hatred and all forms of anti-Semitism ".

" The objective is to help the police and the magistrates to better identify and bring out (.. .) the factual elements likely to objectify the aggravated circumstance " said Mr. Collomb, after recalling the recent murders of Sarah Halimi, in April 2017, or Mireille Knoll, in March 2018, both killed " because they were Jewish ".

The experimentation could extend

This experimentation will have vocation, if it is positive, to extend gradually to the whole national territory, specified a statement of the ministry . During this visit to the Jewish community of Marseille-Provence, at the end of a day during which he had notably come to develop the concept of security police daily, the minister denounced "the bad winds that blow today on Europe as on France ".

" Bad wind of ordinary anti-Semitism but also bad wind borne by the hate speech of radical Islamism " insisted Mr. Collomb, denouncing "the words of the Imam of the great mosque of Empalot in Toulouse" . In December 2017, the imam of Toulouse Mohamed Tataï would have made remarks "likely to constitute an incitement to hatred" according to the investigation opened by the parquet of Toulouse. In a filmed Arabic sermon, he quoted a hadith calling on Muslims to fight Jews.

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