Barbara Pompili: "On the nuclear, there is something to react"


Is such a nuclear report a first?

Yes and it was confirmed Thursday by the scientist Bernard Laponche who deals with nuclear power for forty-five years. The report says a number of things about nuclear safety and security that deserve to be looked at. We are going out of the shadows. The other merit is to finally look at things in the face of nuclear power, a topic a little taboo on which we can no longer be content with the invariable response of "everything is fine". We did not launch this commission of inquiry by chance, but after several alerts: the intrusions of Greenpeace but also malfunctions and fraud in power plants and the EPR reactor. The idea is not to say only that there are loopholes but also what we advocate.

Have you been confronted with the secret-defense?

It was a big problem. Normally, a parliamentary inquiry has any legitimacy. Admittedly, it is normal for documents to be clbadified as defense secrets on questions of security and the fight against terrorism. But as a member of Parliament, it is unnatural that we can not just go and check on a subject. An example: Are swimming pool walls in nuclear power plants able to withstand attacks? We asked for the plans of the swimming pools at EDF, which opposed us the secret-defense. We also asked the question of tests on the strength of the walls and we were told yes, they were "rebaduring", but we do not have the evidence. As a representative of the people, we must not trust a democracy, we must be able to verify. Among our proposals, we wish to create in Parliament a delegation to nuclear safety whose members would be entitled to secret-defense.

Do you not fear, in the name of transparency, to inform the terrorists?

Elements must be kept secret, but terrorists in general have a leg up on us. All the work of the security services is also to anticipate.

The "Superman" drone of Greenpeace which is encrusted in a nuclear power station struck the spirits, the day before the publication of the report …

Of course, they did it on purpose knowing that the report would come out. Their demonstration is striking on the question of drones. Yes, the nuclear industry is working on this problem, but it still takes time. From this point of view, I prefer to tell the truth.

Incidents in power plants exist?

For example, on the site of Paluel, near Penly, there was a 450-tonne steam generator that fell during a maintenance operation in March 2016. It is at the heart of the reactor, it should not never fall and the 3rd generator fell. It was the first time we did this kind of industrial maintenance. We had access to the CHSCT report and there is something to be done. I'm not here to scare, but to look at the problems in the face, not to pretend there are none. There is a lot of subcontracting and we see what that means on this specific example. When the steam generator fell, there was no EDF agent and everyone fled. As it is supposed not to be possible and it happens, there was no alarm, no procedure, and they handled it like a fire problem. A few weeks ago, a subcontractor in Paluel was uncomfortable in his office and he was alone for seventy-two hours. When we are told that everything is fine and that security is total, we realize that no. In outsourcing, there are foreign companies and their staff can not be screened. Rather than criticize and say that it is an anti-nuclear report, I would prefer that EDF try to provide solutions to the various flaws raised and even say "thank you for this contribution."

What do you say about the Central Gravelines Hauts-de-France visited?

This is one of the oldest and the largest concentration of reactors, six in total. It's always very interesting and a lot of technology. On the same day, we received a visit from the French Nuclear Safety Authority with, on the whole, some positive remarks, but which identified some small problems, especially on safety culture and self-monitoring all the time. Some employees told us that it was due to outsourcing.

And you went to Fukushima …

The commission of inquiry has indeed moved once abroad, to go to Japan, meet those who faced the disaster of Fukushima. We do not come back unscathed. It happened 7 years ago. Around the central 15 km, it is still the desert. And the catastrophe is not over, it continues in a post-apocalyptic environment. All told us, whatever the responsibilities and opinions: "We never thought that it happens to us". The big lesson is to think that what you think is impossible is possible. Do not make the mistake of thinking the opposite. I believe that we must be humble in the face of the nuclear risk and take all possible precautions.

Of the 33 measures recommended, the very first to put in place?

It's a set. The issue of outsourcing is essential, we must reintroduce at EDF. And we must give more resources to the Nuclear Safety Authority to work for the legal means (injunctions and penalty payments) with regard to fraud on the conformity of parts. We are not jockeying with safety around nuclear power. A silo case burned at The Hague dragged on for thirty-five years. EDF must seize the report as a tool to be even better. All questions are on the table, no taboos, and we ask for debate. For example, for reprocessing, the idea of ​​dry silos. In our democracy, there is no evidence

Xavier Bertrand declared the region of Hauts-de-France candidate for a new EPR, realistic?

This is a statement from above without debate and I think it corresponds to the old world of politics. A new EPR? When I see what is happening on the EPR site in Flamanville (Manche), that does not rebadure me. With the accumulation of defects, we will take 1 to 2 years of additional delay and in terms of cost, we exceeded 10 billion and a half euros. It deserves to be thought about.

Does this survey confirm your belief as an ecologist?

Other ways to produce electricity are cheaper and less risky. Now, whether we are for or against nuclear power, we still have it for decades. The important thing is to have the best safety and security for the staff and the population. This is the purpose of our report

Interview by Nicolas TOTET

"We think of myself, that's nice"

First vice-president of the Departmental Council of the Somme, Hubert de Jenlis left the UDI this week to join the Republic on the march. Some people already imagine a possible ticket of Genlis-Pompili for the next municipal elections in Amiens. "
                     Many people think of me, it's very nice. Me, there, I am thoroughly in my work! I consider that an elected official should not spend his time thinking about the election after. This is the only answer I have to give you
                    ", Evade Barbara Pompili

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