Poverty Plan: The Mayor wants to include the capping of bank charges


Aix-en-Provence, July 8, 2018 – Bruno Le Maire said Sunday he wanted to add provisions on the cap on bank charges for low-income households in the poverty plan, whose presentation was postponed to September .

" In terms of poverty, I prefer to take a few more weeks and be better ," said the Minister of Economy at economic meetings in Aix-en-Provence. Provence (Bouches-du-Rhone). " We will for example add in this plan provisions on the cap on bank charges ".

" I think it is essential for all modest French people that we reach a real ceiling on bank charges so that nobody is in trouble because he is obliged to pay unbearable bank charges and too much heavy "he explained.

" But I still need some time to discuss with the badociations, to discuss with the financial sector, to discuss with banks, a real effective ceiling on bank fees for households modest "added the minister.

The postponement of the return of the poverty plan, resulting from a concertation launched with great fanfare at the end of 2017, caused on Thursday the disappointment of badociations and critics on the " disastrous communication " of the government.

On Wednesday, the Minister of Solidarity, Agnes Buzyn, hinted that this postponement was also linked to the results of the World Cup and the " availability " Emmanuel Macron, which was committed to go to Russia support the Blues if they arrive in the semifinals.

The spokesman of the government, Benjamin Griveaux, said for his part that this postponement was decided by Mr. Macron to be able to make the preparation " the finest possible ", and said that its entry into force remained planned for January 1, 2019.

Last Tuesday, a collective badociating the syndicate CGT Banks Insurance and the badociations Rural Families, UFC-Que Choisir and Unaf pleaded for a ceiling of bank charges for all consumers.

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