Noces – The Minister of Education has married Fournes-en-Weppes this weekend!


When he received this telephone call from the ministry a little over three months ago, Daniel Herbaut, mayor of Fournes-en-Weppes, 2,300 inhabitants, believed a joke. But no: Jean-Michel Blanquer, 54, Minister of Emmanuel Macron, chose Fournes to get married. It was this Saturday, in the gardens of the town hall, in front of a hundred people and a device of discreet security, with two bodyguards.

The companion of the minister, Aurélia Devos, 39 years old, magistrate, is a child of the country, and his parents still live near the town hall. François Baroin, Mayor (LR) of Troyes, had donned his tricolor scarf, transforming the agreed speech of the registrar into anecdotes about their friendship: "
                     When our first glances crossed, you wore short pants, a Beatles haircut and a big pompom cap.

After the exchange of consents, the guests began a Marseillaise … which soon changed to All you need is love the Beatles' song.

                    The onlookers who hoped to see the minister, his wife or the actress Michèle Laroque, companion of François Baroin, had left the sidewalk in front of the town hall when the minister and his wife left behind the wheel of a small black Convertible Ladybird.

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