Macron: Philippe will present "in the coming weeks" a plan to "lower our public spending"


Versailles – Prime Minister Edouard Philippe "will present in the coming weeks new decisions to meet commitments to lower our public spending," said Emmanuel Macron Monday, promising "strong and courageous choices."

" Everyone wants lower taxes (…) but no one wants to badume them when they are decided ," said the head of state before the Congress.

" There can be no decline in taxation or investment development without a slowdown in the continued rise in our spending ," he added.

" This will be accompanied by a reorganization of the state through more presence in the territories, more flexibility of management ", said the President of the Republic, wishing " to stop a mode of public action which always proceeded to the economies by reducing its presence on the territories ".

" By the end of the year, the Prime Minister will present all these decisions for the indispensable transformation of public action ," he insisted.

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