Danone studies critics against infant milk Aptamil


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 Danone studies critics against infant milk Aptamil
Danone is currently studying information that its new formula of infant milk Aptamil would have caused inconvenience to some newborns in Britain. / Photo taken on February 16, 2018 / REUTERS / Pascal Rossignol
Thomson Reuters

PARIS (Reuters) – Danone is currently investigating reports that its new formula Aptamil infant milk would have caused inconvenience to some newborns in Grande Britain

"We are very concerned about reports of disturbed or uncomfortable babies, and we will investigate each case," Aptamil said in a statement posted on social media. Reuters was able to consult. "We would like to rebadure parents that the quality and safety of our products is our number one priority."

CAC 40 Red Lantern, Danone lost 2.01% Monday on the Paris Stock Exchange after claims in the United Kingdom, relayed by the British press, concerning the new version of Aptamil

The group's share price was supported in the past quarter by the vigorous performance of its infant nutrition division, thanks in particular to the demand vigorous for its Aptamil and Nutrilon brands in China. In this market, consumers are extremely sensitive to any problem since the melamine-contaminated milk scandal, which led to the death of six children in 2008.

The Danone brand added that the instructions for preparing Aptamil had been updated because the new formulas give parents slightly different mixing instructions from previous versions – including shaking vigorously for ten seconds to dissolve the powder.

The group set up a toll-free number to inform parents who wish, she added.

(Dominique Vidalon, Gilles Guillaume for French service)

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