Bondy: Mbappé's supporters celebrate


Each touch of Kylian Mbappé's ball is accompanied by a stream of cries and deafening encouragement. "As soon as he made the commitment, everyone was delirious, laughs Alexander, 19 years. But that's normal, it makes our city shine, we love it! In Bondy, home city of the new star of the French team, the fans vibrated before the victory of the blues, 1-0, against Belgium in the World Cup semi-final in the stands of the Palace Sports, full of tricolor flags, in the heart of Bondy North. "We all gather to support Mbappé, our player! It's nice! Souleymane, 16.

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<p> Stressed during the first half that Mahammadou has The fans, who were considered "average", exulted after the break, defender Samuel Umtiti scores and the gymnasium goes crazy, with dozens of young people running around, dancing, screaming, French flags in their hands. It's huge, "says Adama," we'll do it! "Amrou has tears in his eyes." It's too good! ", He smiles. </p>
<p> The atmosphere, over-excited, falls back over the years. minutes before a clapping is launched and "Kylian! Kylian! Kylian" sound in the gym "It's as if it was him who scored," laughs Julien, 22 years for whom Mbappé is "a hero Rayane, 21, knew him at the elementary school and he puts his trust in Mbappé. he says, I'm proud to see him at this level in the semifinals! It's just huge. He will score another goal! </p>
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<h2 clbad=" He's the one who will make us win the World Cup "

Up the stands, dyed hair in blond, Albadane, 16, arrived just after the goal. "The Belgians are still there … I think they will equalize," predicts the footballer AS Bondy.With him, Sofia, 20, expresses his anguish "I'm a little afraid, I feel that Belgium will score …" To evacuate fear, the public encourages the Blues by chanting "France! France! France" to "Come on, score a second goal and it's over guys," Sandy asks the players, staring at the screen, "Only 12 minutes …"

Seconds later, Hugo Lloris saves his own on an opponent's strike "I was scared there …", breathes Sekou, biting his fingernails, with three-colored flags on his cheeks, Ines, who Kylian Mbappé is a true cult, hoping his champion will score before the end. "He's too strong, he can do it! ", She says, stars in the eyes in front of the giant screen.

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<p> It will not be anything After a last chance from Griezmann, the final whistle sounded, the fans exulted, kissed, jumped, "That's the foliage," Souleymane shouted, "Like one man, the Mbappé fans are singing about it. breaking the voice "We are in the final! We are in the final! We are, we are, we are in the final!" Their idol did not score but the party is total and the heads already turned towards the final. He is the one who will make us win the World Cup on Sunday, predicts Rayane, his childhood friend, and he will take the Golden Ball with! "</p>
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