Glyphosate. US judge paves way for hundreds of lawsuits


A new twist on glyphosate. In the United States, a federal judge has allowed hundreds of complaints accusing Mosanto herbicide, suspected of causing cancer, to be brought to court.

A US federal judge allowed this Tuesday 10 July that hundreds of complaints accusing Monsanto's Roundup glyphosate herbicide of causing cancer, were brought to justice, considering that there are enough elements for a jury to can hear the case. The decision of District Judge Vince Chhabria in San Francisco follows years of litigation and weeks of hearing about the dangers of glyphosate.

Bayer has just completed the acquisition of Monsanto for 62.5 billion dollars (53.2 billion euros). In his 68-page report, the judge described the arguments of the expert of the "fragile" plaintiffs and totally dismissed the opinions of two scientists. But he said that the findings of the other four experts were sufficient for a jury to possibly conclude that glyphosate can cause cancer in humans.

Suspected of causing cancer

More than 400 farmers, landscapers and individuals, whose complaints were filed collectively before the judge, accused Monsanto's herbicide of being the cause of non-Hodgkin lymphoma a cancer that is born in lymphocytes. Monsanto dismissed these accusations and declared in a statement that he would continue to defend his case with strong evidence that he "has absolutely no connection between glyphosate and cancer. "

Robin Greenwald and Aimee Wagstaff, two of the lawyers representing the complainants, did not respond immediately to requests for comment. Monsanto notes that more than 800 studies and badyzes concluded that glyphosate herbicides did not cause cancer. The US Environmental Protection Agency concluded last September, after decades of studies, that glyphosate was probably not carcinogenic to humans. On the other hand, the World Health Organization (WHO) has clbadified glyphosate among the products "probably carcinogenic to humans" .

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