The Mac would sell pretty well in a stagnant market (IDC)


It did not take 24 hours after Gartner's forecast to get those from IDC, which are not that far apart. The firm announced that the Mac would not be doing that badly even if it would not 6.9% market share in the second quarter of 2018 (almost the same as Gartner with 7.1 %).

With an insignificant 0.2% drop from last year, sales would be in very (very) slight 0.1% year-over-year growth with about 4.308 million of Mac sold in the second quarter of 2018 (where Gartner sees a 3% increase with 4.395 million units sold).

More generally, the firm also shows a increase in traditional PC shipments with 62.269 million units (+ 2.7% year-on-year). The results are a little more optimistic than expected, posting the highest growth rate year-over-year for more than six years. Worldwide, HP is in first place with 23.9% market share followed by Lenovo (22.1%), Dell (18.1%), Apple (6.9%) and Acer (6.7%).

But the two firms seem to agree for once, giving Cupertino a 4th place in a gloomy market . However, even if these results seem a little better, they still are not rebaduring. The stagnation of the sales figure implies that Apple maintains its level without being able to develop (increase significantly) its user base. And this situation is hardly encouraging for the firm that has just released new laptops even more expensive than the previous ones.


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