alcoholic, he tries to kidnap a girl after the fireworks


The drama was narrowly avoided. A man tried to kidnap a girl after the fireworks on July 14 in Royan (Charente-Maritime), reports Southwest . He took advantage that the crowd dispersed to catch the ten-year-old child, who was walking behind his mother, then ran away with the little girl in his arms. Alerted by the cries of the girl, some pbaders-by interposed and managed to immobilize the individual until the arrival of the police.

"The man did not put up any physical resistance, either to the pbaders-by who intercepted him or to the police," the police chief told the regional daily. The young man, whose age was not specified, was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the facts an addiction for which he is known to the police. It is however not known for offenses of a badual nature, specifies South-West .

The young man was placed in custody and was heard Sunday, July 15 by investigators, who now want to understand his motives .

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