Travel, warmth: be attentive to your medicines – 16/07/2018



 Travel, heat: be attentive to your medication

Travel , heat: be attentive to your medicines

Summer heat can affect your medications, and therefore the effect of your treatment. That is why it is essential to take good care of it. Some practical advice recalled by the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM).

" In the event of a heat wave, certain drugs are likely to aggravate a syndrome of exhaustion-dehydration or heat stroke ", emphasizes the ANSM. However, "do not stop your treatment without seeking the advice of your doctor or pharmacist". In order to prevent this situation and to preserve the stability and the effectiveness of your medicines, "respect the conditions of conservation indicated in the leaflet and avoid exposing your medicines directly to the sun".

The advice is the same for the blood glucose meters because " exposure of strips (or electrodes), control solutions and readers directly to the sun, at high temperatures, at high temperature variations or at a humid atmosphere may affect their good functioning ". In case of unusual result, call a health professional before considering any treatment changes.

Attention to the risk of photosensitivity

" Some medicines may cause abnormally exaggerated reactions of the skin in case of exposure to the sun "notes the ANSM. This is the case of certain antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, antihistamines, antidepressants or drugs against cardiac rhythm disorders. But also drugs applied to the skin such as acne treatments, local antiseptics or antimycotics.

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