Griezmann decorated … in Uruguay? – Soccer


Antoine Griezmann's good feelings for Uruguay should earn him the place of honor in the land of La Celeste.

Pbading this Monday at the Elysee with his friends of the French team, Antoine Griezmann should return in the fall with the other 22 world champions to receive the Legion of Honor. A distinction that calls for others, some of which are sometimes surprising …

According to the Uruguayan press, the city of Montevideo is thinking of granting it the official title of Visitante Ilustre, "a distinction reserved for prestigious foreigners visiting the capital. of Uruguay ", on the occasion of his coming scheduled at the end of the year. A way to thank him for his sweet words for Uruguay on the sidelines of the quarter-final in Russia against the Celeste and Uruguay flag raised at a press conference after the final at the request of a journalist

The Uruguayan President Tabaré Vazquez also invited the French striker to visit him to thank him. "I can not thank you enough for the gesture you made to Uruguay when you raised the flag of our country at the press conference you gave to the international media in Moscow" he wrote in a letter published on the website of the Uruguayan presidency. A letter addressed to French President Emmanuel Macron in which he did not fail to congratulate his counterpart, the French people, the players and coaches of the world champion team, executioner of the Celeste.

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