Macron employee filmed hitting protester


Alexandre Benalla, safety manager for Emmanuel Macron during the campaign, was suspended and then reinstated.

Mis en cause by images. Le Monde broadcast Wednesday a video dated May 1, in which a man, identified as a collaborator Emmanuel Macron, hit a protester.

"Alexandre Benalla, a close adviser to the President of the Republic (…) equipped with a helmet with a visor of the police when he is not a police officer, attacked a young man on the ground during a demonstration held on the Place de la Contrescarpe, Paris ", details the daily newspaper. He acts, obviously not knowing that he is filmed by a mobile phone.

We see this tall brown, dressed in black pants, a hooded gray sweatshirt and a dark jacket sneaking between the CRS to catch a protester on the ground, already abused by the officials. He hits him several times at the head and then continues to beat him when he falls, folded in two, and then drags him. It is only when the helmeted man sees the phone that films him that he runs away.

Suspended from May 4 to 19

Patrick Strzoda, Emmanuel Macron's chief of staff, confirmed to the newspaper that the man in the video was Alexandre Benalla. According to him, this former security officer of the candidate, who acknowledged the facts, was suspended from his duties for two weeks, between May 4 and 19, and then transferred to administrative duties at the Elysee.

"The day after the demonstration, I was informed by a collaborator that Mr. Benalla had been recognized in the field as being involved in law enforcement operations. I summoned him the same day, I asked him if it was him, "said Patrick Strzoda to the World. According to him, Alexandre Benalla had asked him if he could participate in a police intervention on 1-May. The chief of staff would have agreed, stating that he had to respect an "observer" status. A commitment that he obviously did not honor.

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The case has reached the ears of Emmanuel Macron, still to believe the story of Patrick Strzoda, who called for "sanctions". Alexandre Benalla was sentenced to 15 days of suspension, before being badigned to an administrative post and was threatened with dismissal in the event of a new gap, the daily said.

"Why justice has not been seized?"

He remains to this day in charge of mission to the Elysee. Her task ? Manage the security of events organized in the palace, such as Monday's visit to the Blues for example. The Elysee, solicited, had not reacted to this information Wednesday early evening.

The fact that Alexandre Benalla continues to work for the Elysée despite her violence, has somewhat tense some politicians, who demand his resignation, even for some of the lawsuits. "Faced with this double fault and this aggression characterized and unacceptable it must resign," said the senator PS Rachid Temal on Twitter.

LFI MP Eric Coquerel added: "Why did the police let Alexandre Benalla do justice, why did not justice come to grips with him, why did Emmanuel Macron settle for a layoff? security at the Elysee? " "We expect responses from Gérard Collomb and Emmanuel Macron," he added, asking that "justice be seized for beatings and violence and usurpation of police function".

Generations, the party founded by former presidential candidate PS Benoit Hamon has denounced, still on Twitter, "impunity at the top", while the founder of the Patriots Florian Philippot considered "incredible that this guy is still in the service of the President of the Republic! Macron tolerates this? "

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