Impressive car fire, Ferrari immobilized, hiker attacked: here is your brief info Saturday night


Impressive car fire. Julie is still recovering from the tragedy that could have occurred on the night of Friday to Saturday, in the Amandiers district, above CD 25. While she and her family were sleeping peacefully, two cars were in burning train at the edge of the forest, below their dwelling.

Ferrari immobilized. On board a Ferrari 458, a motorist of foreign nationality was controlled at 194 km / h, on the A8 motorway towards Nice, by the motorized squad of Cannet des Maures. His driver's license was suspended and his car was impounded.

Attacked hiker. At 9:15 am in Baudinard, this Saturday, a 56-year-old man was wounded by a very aggressive goat and a wild goat. To escape, he had to take refuge on a tree. Here is the story of this unusual attack.

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