Miscellaneous facts | Annemasse: arrest of a radicalized robber


The police arrested an individual who was the subject of an international arrest warrant on Friday morning in Annembade, in the district of Romagny.

A team from the Raid de Lyon has Helped local police to place the operation under high security. The man was located the day before, and his arrest meticulously prepared. This is a success in the investigation conducted for some time by the mixed operational Franco-Swiss brigade, composed of Swiss and French police. The man who was arrested is not a French citizen, he is not domiciled in Annembade, but he was hiding in someone's home. The allegations against him are serious, he is suspected of being the author of a robbery committed in Switzerland, and he is also known to be radicalized. The individual should be subject to an extradition measure. The case is in the hands of the Geneva judicial authority

By C.P. |
                                                Posted on 22/07/2018 at 06:06

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