Death of Adama Traoré: "If we have to cry harder, we will do it"


Adama Traore. This name is that of this young man of 24, died at the gendarmerie of Persan, after his arrest by gendarmes. It was July 19, 2016. Two years later, his family denounced the slowness of justice.

Friends, inhabitants of the Boyenval district of Beaumont-sur-Oise, where Adama Traoré lived, and moreover, remain mobilized. They were very numerous, including several politicians like Benoît Hamon, Alexis Corbière, Danièle Obono …, to walk this Saturday afternoon – "3 000 to 4 000" according to the organizers, "800", according to the prefecture- to "claim justice for Adama. "

" The Judge Has All the Elements "

This event wants to mark a turning point in the mobilization. "Today, the march was done in another state of mind, confirms Adama's sister Assa Traoré, head of the Justice Committee for Adama. We no longer have confidence in justice in Paris. We had to have the conclusions of the expert report on July 17th, it was postponed for no reason. We are in a denial of justice. The judges have the will to stifle the affair of my brother. "

They are much to think it within this march, part of the station of Persan to arrive at Boyenval. "It's a two-speed justice," says Marie, from Paris. That's why I'm here. " "We have three areas of expertise that say that my brother died asphyxiated. There are testimonies of firefighters … The judge has all the elements to put the gendarmes in examination and she did not do it ", repeats Assa Traoré

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<p> The one who just wrote a letter to the president and" demands a public response "wants" answers. "" If we have to scream harder, we'll do it. We are going round the neighborhoods, we are going to lift France, we are going to go to all the cities and we are going to overthrow this system for Adama and all the Adama Traoré because their life is not worth less than the others. "</p>
<p> A reconstitution must be organized at the gendarmerie of Persan The family regrets that" no date "has been arrested Does it fear a dismissal?" A country where there is no no justice, it's a country in danger, it can be very serious, responds Assa Traoré. era that we will have no dismissal. "</p>
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<p><i> LP / Olivier Lejeune </i></div>
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