Fight against "fascism" versus "disjointed jeremiads": the case Özil divides (again) – Football


After the announcement of his international retirement, Mesut Özil further divided German opinion around his case and racism in German society. While some, especially in Turkey, salute his courage, others accuse him of finding an apology after his failed World.

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The announcement of the international retirement of German footballer of Turkish origin Mesut Özil, accusing his detractors of "racism", turned on Monday in the controversy in Germany, while Turkey welcomed his fight against "the fascism".

  • Read also Between Özil and the Mannschaft, it's over (at the moment)

The most violent response to the Arsenal player came unsurprisingly from the popular daily Bild, which had been campaigning since weeks against the player because of his meeting in May in London with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, interpreted as a mark of support for an authoritarian leader and a lack of loyalty to Germany just weeks away from the World Cup.

The newspaper denounces "a resignation made of jeremiads disjointed" and reproaches the world champion 2014 to support " a despot " seeking to impose a " Islamist dictatorship ". Bild then attacks the level of "lamentable" play of the player who participated in the humiliating elimination of the outgoing champion at the Russian World Cup in the first round.

In the opposite extreme, the Turkish Minister of Justice, Abdulhamit Gul, praised him on Twitter Mesut Özil and his "goal" against racism in Germany: " I congratulate Mesut Özil who, on leaving national team scored the best goal against the virus of fascism ". Born in Germany from Turkish parents and grandparents settled in the country, the player abandoned his Turkish citizenship in 2007 to become German.

Populist atmosphere

Ankara and Berlin have had difficult relations since the failed coup in Turkey in 2016, with the Turkish government denouncing German accusations of repressive drift. Erdogan went so far as to draw a parallel between contemporary Germany and Nazism.

29-year-old Mesut Özil, on Sunday in a four-page public letter, flipped through Twitter, an attack on media treatment and racism that he feels is the victim, accusing the president of the federation German Football Association (DFB), Reinhard Grindel, a former Conservative MP and slayer during his political career of multiculturalism.

" In the eyes of Grindel and his supporters, I am German when we win, but I am an immigrant when we lose ", accused the player with 23 goals in 92 selections. Neither his teammates, nor coach Joachim Löw, nor the federation reacted immediately.

Some newspapers and politicians, while criticizing the virulence of his approach, point out that racism is a problem in the country and that this explosion is far from being anecdotal. Because it is a symbol of integration that starts at a time when the far right is experiencing an unprecedented boom since 1945 with the party Alternative for Germany (AfD).

Diversity threatened

Katarina Barley, the German Minister of Justice, said it was "a warning signal when a great German football player like Mesut Özil no longer feels represented in his country because of racism ". The Berlin daily Tagesspiegel denounces it "the populist atmosphere in the country." The departure of Mesut Özil is a sport, political and societal break, it is more than the future of the 11 national who is at stake ".

The head of the Turkish community of Germany, Gökay Sofuoglu, judged that " the diversity " of the Mannschaft was threatened while it was so far a " model ] ".

The midfielder who has never hidden his Islamic faith has for two years been the AfD's favorite target. A leader of this party, Alice Weidel, said Monday that Özil was " a typical example of the failure of the integration of people from the Turkish-Islamic world ". When he was pilloried for his May meeting with the Turkish president, Mesut Özil was discreet, unlike his teammate Ilkay Gündogan, who had apologized.

In his Sunday mail, the Arsenal player explains that this meeting was not political and did not question its germanity. He nevertheless asks that we understand his heritage and his attachment to Turkey. " I certainly grew up in Germany, but my family history has its roots firmly in Turkey, I have two hearts, one German and one Turkish ", badures the player.

 Mesut Özil

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