RUMOR – Xbox Scarlett: Microsoft would work not on one, but two new "consoles"


At E3 2018 Microsoft did not speak specifically about the next generation of consoles even though he is already working on it, but that did not stop a rumor from starting to be born on the Web about a famous project Scarlett name given to this hypothetical new console Xbox and its ecosystem .

 Xbox One X console image image

It is again on the side of the site Thurrott that we must turn today to learn more about it, always taking into account that all this is just rumor. We would not be entitled to one, but two separate machines. The first would be a traditional console like the Xbox One enough to rebadure amateur players of content in physical or digital format for download. Of course, it is the second that interests us the most, because it would be a box to play streaming whose global service is here named Scarlett Cloud .

This case would not be very powerful and would see the light of day with the next generation of devices of the brand. Regarding the latency problem, Microsoft would cause there to be a limited number of calculations done locally and only for specific tasks like commands, processing image and collision detection. The game would rotate in two places at once at the same time using the Cloud . This would however increase the price of the box which would still cost much less than a new console when it was released.

As Microsoft has data centers all over the world, this solution would allow easy access to games on many types of devices. All Games Scarlett would turn on the devices of the range whether it is the traditional console or the box streaming. Everything would be expected by 2020 so we should hear more and more about it if it comes to be confirmed. What do you think of this solution that would suit all types of players?

 vignette editorOmega Law Alexandre S. (Omega Law)
Head Corrector – Editor – Tester
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