Total lunar eclipse: the five things to know


The phenomenon will be visible to the naked eye in our departments. Presentation and explanations with Sylvain Roux, astronomer and member of the Copernic badociation in Haute Corréo in La Roche-des-Arnauds.

1. Why this lunar eclipse is special?

"The alignment between the Sun, the Earth and the Moon will be almost perfect. We speak of total eclipse because the Moon will pbad in the center of the shadow of the Earth. It does not happen all the time. On clear horizon, the phenomenon, longer than a partial eclipse, will be visible to the naked eye. "

2. What will we see?

"The rise of the Moon will be done earlier at home, about ten minutes ahead of Paris. It is the advantage of being in the East of France. The phenomenon will begin at 9:30 pm and last for 103 minutes. We will see first a "false" crescent Moon, false because the shadow will not leave the poles. Little by little, the gray star will enter the shadow of the Earth and will be painted in a red brick color, more or less dark. "

3. Why a red color?

"The atmosphere of the Earth is struck by the light of the sun, which gives it a red hue at dusk. This same red light will reflect on the Moon at the time of the eclipse. "

4. Can we observe it without protection?

"It's not a solar eclipse, so there's no need to protect your eyes. It is advisable to take binoculars. OWith a better understanding of the volume of the Moon. "

5. Will other planets be visible?

"The same day we can observe Mars with the naked eye: a bright and orange point just below the Moon. V enus, Jupiter and Saturn will also be visible. »

By Interviewed by Flavien OSANNA |
                                                Posted on 24/07/2018 at 06:09

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