21 departments placed in orange vigilance


Friday morning, Météo-France has placed 21 departments in orange storm and / or heat wave vigilance.

The episode of heat wave started Tuesday in France will continue Friday but thunderstorms should break during the day, warns Météo-France which has placed 21 departments in orange vigilance.

21 dpts en #vigilanceOrange

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– VigiWeatherFrance (@VigiMeteoFrance) July 27 2018

Drôme, Ardèche, Rhône, Saône-et-Loire and Côte-d'Or, Marne, Aisne, Seine-et-Marne, Yvelines, Essonne, Val d'Oise, Paris and the small crown have been placed in vigilance orange heatwave. The Oise, Eure and Seine-Maritime are on the alert storms. Finally, a vigilance at the same time to the heatwave and the storms was launched in the North, the Pas-de-Calais and the Somme.

Up to 38 degrees . "Hot temperatures persist this Friday," warns Météo-France in its national bulletin published at 6 o'clock. "We expect the warmest of the afternoon temperatures reaching 35 to 38 degrees on departments in orange vigilance," says the meteorological organization.

Towards a drop in temperatures … but not everywhere . "A rainy-stormy degradation is expected at the end of the day from the west and will cause a significant decrease in temperatures for the weekend, mainly on the west and the north of the country" but it will continue to be very hot in the valley of the Rhone and on the Mediterranean rim, according to the forecasts

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