Pesticide use increased by 12% in two years in France


Despite the launch of two Ecophyto plans since 2008 to reduce the use of plant protection products in agriculture, the use of pesticides globally increased by 12% between 2014 and 2016 announced in a joint statement Ministries of Agriculture, Health, Research and Ecological Transition

The four ministers meeting in the Strategic Orientation and Monitoring Committee (COS) on Friday morning said they wanted to "give a new impetus to the Ecophyto plan and to implement complementary actions to those already undertaken "to combat this worrying increase.

To strengthen the action plan

Ecophyto II + will have to integrate the action plan on plant protection products and a less pesticide-dependent agriculture presented on April 25, and the three-year action plan for the release of glyphosate.

The editorial staff advises you

On financing, the ministers have not planned additional funds apart from the 71 million euros of budgeted public funds each year.

The Minister of Agriculture Stéphane Travert, however, announced Thursday an envelope of 2 million additional euros to multiply by 10 the number of experimental farms Dephy, which is expected to grow from 3 000 to 30 000 by 2021.

"A statement of failure"

The first agricultural union, the FNSEA, which released a Solution Contract with a certain number of practices favorable by reducing the use, risks and impacts of pesticides, was waiting for the public authorities to commit financially to their side.

"This is a failure: the successive Ecophyto plans launched since 2008, whose initial objective was to reduce pesticide use by 50% by 2018, proved to be ineffective". The France Nature Environment Association

"The Ecophyto tool is interesting but the release of pesticides will not be done without the activation of other economic levers, necessary to obtain a mobilization of the whole of the profession, "said Claudine Joly, in charge of pesticide issues at FNE

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