a couple discovers a piece of plastic in nuggets


"We have pbaded the brink of disaster." Benjamin Bon, a father from Paulhaguet in the Haute-Loire, is still in shock. While they were going to eat, he, his wife, and his five-year-old son had the unpleasant surprise of discovering a piece of black plastic in a chicken nugget.

"A piece a few inches long" he, luckily spotted by the mother before ingestion, thinking of a fly on the plate of the child.

Contacted by The Parisian Manuel Gourichon, quality director of the group LDC, owner of the mark Maître Coq, producer of the offending food, is justified. It was actually a "piece of protective cover that is used to cover food products". Only problem, we still do not know how this element was mixed with chicken. "We still have to shed light on this story."

4,200 kg of nuggets withdrawn from sale

Benjamin's wife, who works in a Super U store, immediately alerted her hierarchy of the situation and the pouches of nuggets have been removed from the sale. "We alerted our distributors and proceeded to the withdrawal of the goods" said Manuelle Gourichon. The recall concerns 4,200 kg of chicken.

Remains now to the Bon family, very up against the brand, to find a middle ground with Maître Coq. "When we contacted the brand, they tried to minimize the case and offered us five vouchers worth 3 euros each, so I made them understand that the problem was serious." They should finally be offered a check for 100 euros.

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