The declaration of public utility of the Seine-Nord canal prorogée


A decree published Tuesday in the Official Journal confirms the declaration of public utility of the Seine-North cbad, a large-size link in front of, for 4.9 billion euros, linking the Seine to the river system of the Europe of North

The Seine-Nord Europe cbad, 107 kilometers long between Compiègne (Oise) and Aubencheul-au-Bac (North), must facilitate the transport of goods between the Benelux countries and the Paris region, and unload Highway A1.

The decree, signed on July 25, extends the declaration of public utility of the work, which dated from 2008. The deadline for making the expropriations necessary for the construction of the structure is officially extended until 12 September 2027.

The original project, conceived as a public-private partnership worth an estimated € 7 billion, was abandoned and revised downwards, with funding this time 100%

Set aside by the government to his arrival last year, he was relaunched this fall, under the pressure of the president of the region of Hauts-de-France Xavier Bertrand. The company in charge of carrying it out, which depended on the State, has notably pbaded under the control of the local authorities.

According to the figures transmitted to AFP by the Hauts-de-France region, the financing plan provides that the European Union will contribute 2.1 billion euros, the state 1.01 billion and the local authorities 1.01 billion (including Hauts-de-France 352 million, Ile-de-France 110 million, North 200 million, Pas-de-Calais 130 million, Oise 100 million and Sum 70 million), the balance coming mainly from loans.

The commissioning is expected in 2026.

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