Diesel rise: 78% of French people find the movement of November 17th justified


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Diesel rise: 78% of French people find the movement of November 17th justified

More than three quarters of the French (78%) consider "justified" the call to block the roads on November 17 to protest the rise in the price of diesel, against 22% who disapprove of it, according to a survey Odoxa-Dentsu Consulting conducted for France Info and the Figaro published Thursday.

The movement of mood is born in recent weeks of the rise in the price of diesel fueling two thirds of the French car fleet. It has resulted in online petitions and calls for self-proclaimed "civic" and apolitical demonstrations, culminating in a call to block the roads on 17 November, relayed by the far right.

According to the survey, 76% of French people also believe that the rise is "a bad thing because it must primarily promote the purchasing power of the French, even if they use longer oil products" in the coming years .

For 80% of French people solicited, higher taxes will have a high impact on their purchasing power.

Meanwhile the survey also reveals that 53% of respondents see as a "bad idea" investments in new reactors type EPR, "because we must stop investing in nuclear", while 46% welcome it as a good idea because we need to renew the current facilities ".

The survey was conducted according to the quota method on the basis of a sample of 988 French, aged 18 and over, interviewed on the internet on 30 and 31 October 2018.

In one year, the price of diesel increased by about 23% and that of gasoline by 15%.

At an average of 1.51 euros last week, the all-tax diesel price has reached a level not seen since at least the early 2000s.

For unleaded gasoline 95, it is necessary to go back to mid-2014 to find similar levels, at 1.53 euro per liter.

If fuel prices are high at the moment, it is mainly because of the rise in crude prices and prices of refined products (+ 35% for diesel in one year and + 28% for gasoline) and the effect of higher taxes on fuel.

The main one of them, the TICPE increased on 1 January of 7.6 cents on the diesel because of the increase of the contribution climate energy and a new stage in the will of catch-up compared to the taxation applied to gasoline. On the latter, taxes rose by 3.9 cents per liter. Including VAT, taxes on diesel increased by 14% and 7.5% for gasoline in one year.

And they have yet to increase next year, according to the draft budget 2019 (+6 cents for diesel and +3 cents for gasoline).

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