Antisemitic acts up 69% in 2018 in France


In a forum on Facebook, Edouard Philippe evokes the "relentless" figures of anti-Semitic acts over the last nine months. They had been down for two years.

The with AFP
• Updated

After two years of decline, anti-Semitic acts in France are up sharply (+ 69%) in the first nine months of 2018, alarmed Prime Minister Edouard Philippe in a forum published Friday, November 9 on Facebook.

"Every aggression perpetrated against one of our fellow citizens because he is Jewish sounds like a new broken crystal"says the head of the government in this rostrum published exactly eighty years after the fatal Crystal Night and its Nazi atrocities against the Jews in Germany, November 9, 1938. "Why remember, in 2018, such a painful memory? Because we are very far from having finished with anti-Semitism ", writes Mr. Philippe, evoking the figures "Implacable" antisemitic acts in France over the past part of 2018.

"While it has been declining for two years, the number of these acts has increased by more than 69% in the first nine months of 2018"he continues.

After a record year in 2015, antisemitic acts had fallen sharply in 2016 (-58%). The recession continued in 2017 (-7%), with 311 acts listed, although it masked an increase in violent acts targeting Jews.

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Strengthen the fight against the cyberhaine

After the anti-Semitic attack on Pittsburgh in the United States at the end of October, Edouard Philippe reiterated his determination to "Do not let anything pbad" anti-Semitism in France.

Citing the survivor of the Nazi camps Elie Wiesel to warn of " danger " of "Indifference", the prime minister ensures that "The government has chosen precisely not to remain indifferent", recalling decisions taken in recent months.

The government is preparing for 2019 a modification of the law to strengthen the fight against cyberhaine, putting pressure on Internet operators. "From mid-November", a national team will be mobilisable " permanently " the Ministry of National Education to intervene in schools in support of any teacher confronted with anti-Semitism, he says.

The recent Prime Minister's plan against racism and anti-Semitism provides for the experimentation of"A network of investigators and magistrates specifically trained in combating hate crimes", which could be extended to the national level, as well as an online pre-complaint mechanism to promote reporting.

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Antisemitism, a reality difficult to measure precisely

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