The human brain still works for a short time after death


The brain capacities of man are numerous, although some operations still remain a mystery. But according to a new scientific discovery, it is possible that the human brain is still working, the minutes following their death.

Another scientific puzzle that has just been solved

Man is a complex being that is different from any form of life on Earth. He has a soul and a conscience, which allows him to think and therefore to develop.

Like all living things that live on the planet, it is also destined to disappear. But this disappearance is not done immediately. Moreover, a question remains in suspense, what happens after the death ?

Part of this question seems to have been resolved by researchers at New York's Stony Brook University of Medicine. Scientists have been researching patients with cardiac arrest in Europe and the United States.

Subsequently, they discovered, that shortly after stroke, the human brain is still able to function. According to the director of research Dr. Sam Parnia, the human brain works again during a short period after death.

A phenomenon that is logically explained

It must be known that the death of a person is declared from the moment when his heart stops beating. Following this, the blood stops circulating to the brain and begins to stop.

However, this process can take a long time, so that a person can be aware of his death. Patients studied, victims of cardiac arrest, and who had been resuscitated could testify. According to them, after their heart stopped beating, they could describe what had happened during their judgment.

The researchers hope that this new study will bring improvements in the treatment and prevention of brain damage.

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