OL – OL football: Donetsk-Lyon moved? UEFA's response is not surprising – Olympique Lyonnais


OL: Donetsk-Lyon moved? UEFA's response is not surprising

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published In: OL, Champions League, European Cup.

Olympique Lyonnais will play in a group final for a place in the 8th final of the Champions League on Wednesday 12 December in Ukraine against Donetsk. And inevitably, given the political situation in this country, where the state of emergency has just been decreed, Jean-Michel Aulas has not dragged to say that he wanted a relocation of this meeting, in order to do not risk your team and supporters. A request that Agence France Presse relayed to UEFA, the European body having decided in urgency to play the match between FC Vorskla and Arsenal, scheduled for Thursday in the Europa League, in Kiev to allow the Gunners of arrive at the last moment and leave as soon as possible from Ukraine.

But regarding the Donetsk-OL match, UEFA does not want to get too wet. " At this point, we have no comments to make. UEFA will continue to observe the security situation in Ukraine in the coming days before taking any decision regarding the possible relocation of other matches "Said the organizer of the Champions League, which does not want to be accused by Ukraine to make decisions too fast, while this match will be played in two weeks. In the meantime, things can change politically.

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