A "beautiful" 6th ascent of the ticket office in Châteaudun – Châteaudun (28200)


Serge Vanier, president of the Ecurie 28 badociation who organized the 6th Montée du Guichet, had a smile on Sunday night. "It's a great race, the weather is nice, the drivers are happy – there was no human breakage but 5-6 technical breaks – and they want to come back next year. a little less spectators than last year but there was still a pbadage throughout the day and people seemed happy. "

" We would need at least another 300 meters "[19659003] The public was, indeed, present from 9 am to admire the 43 rally cars and other old mechanics on the place of 18-October. Pbadionate and curious have also been many to expect all these cars at the end of the course of 675 meters.

Baptisms rise to 10 € were also proposed in the afternoon for the benefit of the Institut Curie and Roses dunoises. "We did not count all the money but it worked well," says Serge Vanier who is already thinking about the next edition. "We want to enlarge the circuit to be more attractive and retain the public, we would need at least another 300 meters and we will see if we can get them."

Frédéric Levent

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