a Bretonne pushes a blow of mouth and challenges Emmanuel Macron


"I'm coming to make a video shot of the face." Grumbling is intensifying around rising fuel prices. The diesel reaches 1.50 euro per liter and to refuel the car exceeds, according to the model of the vehicle and its tank, the 80 euros. For Jacline Mouraud, a motorist from Ploërmel in Brittany, it's too much. On October 18, she posted a video on Facebook to challenge the government and made the buzz on Internent. His four-minute testimony has already been seen nearly five million times.

Jacline Mouraud is protesting the rising price of fuel but also the hardening of technical control, the hunt for diesel vehicles or the introduction of tolls at the entrance of major cities. "I have two quick words to say to Mr. Macron and his government, when will the stalking of the drivers that you have been putting in place since you are here end?" is full of boots, it's clear? ", she annoys.

General blocking

"What do you do with cash?", She asks herself several times, "except to change the dishes at the Elysée or have you build swimming pools". "We are hunted down" notes the angry motorist who drives 25,000 kilometers a year, "we can not go anymore". She concluded her message by once again calling on the Head of State: "Where is France, Mr. Macron?" Certainly not where you said you would bring him.

This Breton woman is far from being the only one to express her discontent. This Friday in Dole in the Jura, a procession of more than 500 vehicles blocked the traffic. Trucks, cars and tractors have carried out this snail operation in protest against soaring fuel prices. Blockades are planned across the country on November 17.

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