a bus driver pulls out all his passengers to let a man ride a wheelchair


Stunned by such indifference, he decided to act. On 18 October, a bus driver who was driving in the 17th arrondissement of Paris forced all his pbadengers to go out at mid-term. At issue: they refused to move to let a man in a wheelchair get on the bus by the ramp.

"Terminus, everyone goes down". "I was waiting for the bus with my brother, and when he arrived, no one wanted to move despite the access ramp, and when he saw that, the RATP driver quickly stepped in. He got up and said: "Terminus, everyone goes down." People went out, grumbling for some, "said the man, suffering from multiple sclerosis, HuffPost. The driver has warned them: the next bus will arrive in 5 minutes, and it will have to wait. Only the man in a wheelchair and his brother could finally get on.

The man in a wheelchair has reported his story on Twitter, provoking outrage among pbadengers about pbadengers, and at the same time inspiring admiration for the driver.

Yesterday while waiting for the bus in Paris, no one wanted to push himself. As no one was moving the driver got up and said "Terminus!" Everyone comes down! After he came to me and said "you can go up and the others, you wait for the next one!
François Le Berre pic.twitter.com/Icb5fqPMfD

- Accessible FOR ALL (@ tomipa06) October 21, 2018

"A little civism". The bus driver explained that he had no family members with disabilities, "but you just had to have a bit of civility". An inspiration for many. As a reminder, in Paris, only a metro line is accessible to people with reduced mobility, who must therefore take the bus.

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