a bus driver saves 41 people from the flames


This Saturday morning, a group of 41 people who were traveling aboard a bus connecting Aubervilliers and Seine-Saint-Denis and Deauville in Calvados were saved thanks to the reflex of the driver. As France Bleu points out, the vehicle was on the outskirts of Pont-de-l'Arche in the Eure when the latter spots an anomaly. "It was the dashboard that alerted me, the battery symbol appeared on fire, I immediately looked in the rearview mirror and saw smoke coming out of the bus," he explains.

And indeed, Albert Ferrere just has time to see the first flames escape from the engine before stopping, and ask the pbadengers (17 men, 22 women and two children) to go down in the calm . While some of the occupants attempt to recover their belongings in the hold, Albert seizes a fire extinguisher to contain the fire, without success. The incident did not cause any injuries.

Congratulation of the relief workers, and his employer

Arrived on the spot, the helpers congratulated the hero of the day, just like his superior, Murat Konyar, who is pleased with the reaction of his employee. "He reacted exactly as it should! He made everyone go down, he jumped on the fire extinguisher, he tried to extinguish the flames!"

According to the first findings of an investigation opened by the gendarmes the vehicle did not belong to the company for which Albert usually works but was a replacement vehicle. The pbadengers, after a long wait at the edge of the highway, were transferred to another bus.

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