a festival of offers on July 16 and 17, 2018! | Pratique.fr


To celebrate one's birthday, why not give gifts? Based on this original thinking, online retail giant Amazon decided four years ago to reward members of its loyalty program by launching Operation Prime Day. The concept ? Two days of promotion, July 16 and 17, 2018, reserved for the members of the Prime program of Amazon. Many offers, evolutive and unpublished on thousands of references. More details in this article!

The 2018 Prime Day Amazon will take place over two days on July 16 (from noon) and throughout the day of July 17, 2018. Thirty-six hours to multiply the good deals on products that interest the most subscribers of the Prime program. How to benefit? Here are our tips.

36 hours of promotions, sales flash and good deals

There are not only Summer Sales in life! E-commerce is also a good way to find promotions or exceptional days. The French have also discovered Black Friday through online commerce and are now accustomed to operations flash industry players. On the 16th and 17th of July, members of the Amazon Prime program will be offered – for 36 hours – many promotions on various products: from smartphones to electric lawnmowers, not to mention DIY accessories, all references are potentially

An Offer Only for Members of the Prime Program

Amazon's promotional offer is exclusively for members of the Amazon Prime Loyalty Program. As a reminder, this program open to all allows, in exchange for an annual subscription of 49 euros, to benefit from many premium services of the e-commerce site: a free and priority delivery, access to Prime Video platforms, Prime Music or Twitch Prime …

However, even if you are not yet a member of Prime, it is still possible to subscribe to a free trial of 30 days. As soon as you register, you will receive Prime Day special offers!

Once enrolled in the program, how to take advantage of the offers?

Nothing more simple! Once enrolled in the loyalty program, download the Amazon app and activate the notifications, to be informed of the start of sales flash . You will benefit from 10 euros offered on your next purchase made before July 31, 2018.

Then prepare a wish list, and enrich it by adding the articles that interest you: this will allow you to compare their price when the launch of the operation! You will then be able to consult the Prime Day Guide and take advantage of many tips to make your Prime Day a real bargain festival!

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